We Aspire to Disciple One Another in Christ

Pastor Thian Chye continues our series in the eight aspirations of the church, and here, he reflects on the importance of discipleship for all Christians, as well as how we can do so. 

What is discipleship? Different people may give different answers and most likely they will be correct. Discipleship is a common word that we use frequently in the context of the church. Discipleship can be defined as Christian living in the light of the gospel. Moreover, from our Lord’s Great Commission, we are called to go and make disciples (Matt 28:19-20).


Grace Baptist Church’s vision is to be “a disciple-making church that transforms lives with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ”, which is reflected on the front page of our church website. At the same time, as part of our aspirations, we wish to "foster a culture of intergenerational discipleship, where members of different ages invest in one another's spiritual growth".

How then do we as gathered members of GBC work towards this vision. There are two questions that we need to ask ourselves:

  1. Am I a disciple of the Lord Jesus?

  2. Am I discipling others in the faith or into the faith?

Am I a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?

What is a disciple? Remember Jesus' call to discipleship in Luke 9:23, “And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Discipleship requires self-denial and self cross-bearing. To deny oneself is more than just denying our sinful desires or worldly pursuits. We need to disown our self, and recognise that it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20). On the other hand, to take up our own cross consists of not only suffering and hardship, but also encompasses total submission to Christ. Discipleship is not an option, nor is it for a moment in time. It is our daily commitment and our wholehearted willingness to follow Christ, regardless of the cost of discipleship.


Discipleship requires us to share God’s Word. We share God’s Word through sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ so that others may come to know Christ and put their faith in Him. To our fellow believers, we share God’s Word through reading and at times having in-depth Bible study so as to grow in the maturity and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. It matters when you have someone who comes alongside you and teaches you how to read God’s Word, spend time explaining its meaning and teach you how to pray. This is discipleship!

Another aspect of discipleship is that we show God’s Word. In other words, we live out God’s Word in our everyday life, an exemplary lifestyle reflecting Christlikeness as a role model for others to imitate us. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1) Yes, though we are not able to live a perfect life on this side of the cross, but by God's grace and His indwelling Spirit in us, we can live a Spirit-filled life that pleases Him.

Am I discipling others in the faith or into the faith?

The second question we ask ourselves is this: Am I discipling others, as I have been discipled? If you are currently discipling others, praise the Lord! I want to encourage you to continue and persevere as discipleship is a long and costly process. Though at times, we may not see a desirable outcome of discipleship, but take heart, “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (‭‭Phil 2:13‬) We are only sanctified vessels fit for God’s use. If you are not discipling anyone at the moment, I want to encourage you wherever you are in this season of life, ask the Lord to show you someone whom you can disciple.

What are some ways we can do discipleship in GBC? May I suggest that everyone of us do take three small steps (3Rs) as we work towards the vision of the church:

  1. Read God's Word with someone today. Share your insights and real life applications with the truth that you have learned together. Be accountable to one another with the way you live out your faith. One good way to do so is through our care groups. These groups meet regularly to study God's Word, and are usually made up of people of different life stages. If you would like to find out more or connect to a group, you can write to us at cg@gracebaptistchurch.sg.

  2. Reach out to one another regardless of your age or years in GBC. We can intentionally invite someone or a family over to our home or outside for a simple meal or coffee. Talk about what God has done or has been doing in each other's life. Encourage one another to walk faithfully with the Lord in good and bad times. Share life's trials and struggles that you face and pray for one another. We gather as members of God’s household to disciple one another so that we are able to build and edify one another in the faith. If you would like to be connected to someone, don't hesitate and write to us at info@gracebaptistchurch.sg.

  3. Renew your first love and commitment to God as a disciple of our Lord Jesus: (a) Set aside time each day to come to Him for our daily portion, sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening and talking to Him, enjoying the sweet fellowship with the Lord. (b) Walk in a manner worthy of Christ who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. Ask God to grant you a heart of flesh so that you may have an ever growing desire to pursue one another in discipleship and above all, pursue Christ and His Kingdom!


Read also:

What We Aspire to Be

We Aspire to Cultivate Christlikeness

We Aspire to be Shaped by the Gospel

We Aspire to Deepen our Unity in Christ


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