Introducing Two New Initiatives

At our recent church camp, we held a workshop called "In Our Golden Years" that focused on issues and challenges that seniors might face in life. It focused on some practical considerations especially on the medical front, but also touched on ways to be caring for one's spiritual growth too. 

The session was attended by both the young and the old, and there was also a time to share personal struggles and to exhort all present to continue pressing on. It was an encouraging time, as all present were also reminded of God's faithfulness to the church -- providing for us all these years, and even bringing new growth in recent years -- and also His kindness to us individually. 

The time spent at the workshop was far too short, and we do desire to continue doing spiritual good to one another even after Church Camp. Thus, we are introducing two new intiatives in the month of July: 


Pua Mission Trip – Jun/Jul 2023


Let’s Not Deceive Ourselves!