Shepherds Training Group 2023

Cory, one of our members, participated in this Training Group. Here, he shares with us about this group, as well as some of his reflections.

From January to November of 2023, a group of about fifteen men from GBC gathered monthly for “Shepherds Training Group” at the church. You may have seen some of these men over the past year either leading service or praying from the pulpit, or leading an Equip session. Led by Pastor Eugene and with the aim of developing men to potentially serve in the church as elders, each two-hour meeting focused on a different aspect of the church, and especially how shepherding the flock is inextricably linked with knowing—deeply and personally—who that flock is.

What the meetings were like

Our meetings typically consisted of praying, personal sharing, reviewing and discussing GBC’s Statement of Faith and Membership Covenant, plumbing Scripture for wisdom and instruction on the role of the church elder, and discussing a book we had read in preparation. Here are the books that we read together as a group:

We took turns leading the group through a chapter of our reading for that week, connecting what we read to biblical exhortations of godly shepherding and to GBC’s specific ministry context. I personally enjoyed observing the varying ways the group—diverse in age and vocation—processed and presented the material. Indeed, my own, more minimalist style of noting themes and key takeaways in my books’ margins differed from a certain Deacon of Children’s Ministry’s voluminous and colour-coded outlines, the latter of which inspired me to read as deeply and closely as possible.

The group also benefitted from a study of preaching in the second half of the year, which focused on how to create an expository sermon for one’s congregation. A couple brothers even got to try their hand at preaching in front of the group. After discussing David Helm’s Expository Preaching the previous month, they prepared short, expository sermons on the book of Philemon, after which we provided feedback by way of a mini sermon review. In one way, focusing on sermon preparation and delivery drew back the curtain on part of the pastor’s role that is foregrounded at church each Sunday. But in another, it underscored how much crafting a sermon is predicated upon knowing who you are preaching to, as your congregation yearns to answer the “so what?” that preaching the Bible expositionally inspires.

What was encouraging

My most indelible memory from the 20 hours that we met was how open our pastors were in relating their own experiences in ministry, from encountering sin in the congregation to recognising their own human frailty while pursuing a godly calling. I’m not sure there was a single question that Pastor Eugene didn’t answer due to time constraints or potential meandering from the topic at hand. We were curious, and they were incredibly giving. I marvelled at Pastor Eugene’s preternatural ability to answer a better question than the one you actually asked, while reassuring you through the clarity of his answer that it was actually the question you were asking! Memorable, too, was Pastor Thian Chye’s transparency in explaining his work with pastoral care, especially with those seeking counsel and the bereaved. The ministry of an elder doubtless requires countless hours away from family and acquaintance with sin and grief that is countered only by God’s grace and saving love for us.

So, what were my biggest takeaways? One is to pray for my elders, men who edify the body of Christ through shepherding, teaching and training the congregation to make disciples. Further, I am to consider potential elders. Are there men in the congregation whom I recognise as a gift from God for the good of the church, who have my trust and respect and evince godliness? I should tell my pastors about them. No doubt they have noticed them too. Finally, I am to thank God for those men He has put in place as overseers and those whom He is building up for that purpose. Indeed, they undertake a “noble task”.


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