Risen Motherhood: How the gospel changes and shapes motherhood

At Mums Connect, our ladies are reading the book Risen Motherhood. At a recent session, they considered how the gospel changes and shapes motherhood and they share with us their takeaways here. 

The reality is that we are all sinners in need of a Saviour. Behind our struggles in life and motherhood lie a deeper reality and a spiritual battle. We need the gospel and also need to see our life through gospel lenses. 

The gospel framework

The gospel framework is a helpful way of understanding the gospel story. Under the headers of "creation", "fall", "redemption" and "consummation", this framework helps us to flesh out the different aspects of the gospel story and also challenges us to think about our sin and the hope that we have in God-centred terms. 

Under creation, we are reminded that God is Creator. He designed everything to function in a particular way for our good and for His glory. Satisfaction and purpose ultimately comes from Him. When we consider God and His design, we need to ask: How did God orginally intend for our world to be? What does it look like without sin and brokenness and how does it reflect who God is? 

But because of the fall, we know that life no longer functions according to God's good design, but is painful and deviant. How has sin and brokenness in life or a particular situation reflect a divergence from God's design? How has sin infiltrated our thoughts, words or actions? 

Sin does not have the final word, and redemption is possible. God has made a way for reconciliation through Jesus and sent the Holy Spirit to seal His followers and help them until He returns. As we consider our sin and the redemption we have in Christ, we are led to ask: What do I need to repent of? We also have the ability to obey thus, and ask: how does my freedom from sin empower me to obey God and adhere to His original design? How can I steward my circumstances or relatinships in a way that honours God? 

The future consummation reminds us to look ahead and not be content with what we have presently. It also offers us hope and assurance that God will make all things new. How does this assurance of future hope change the way we hope now? Where can I anchor my joy amid ever-changing circumstances? 

The gospel and motherhood

We may be familiar with the gospel framework and have seen it applied to evangelism or instances where we need to share the gospel. It can also be applied to thinking about God's purpose for motherhood. When we do so, we can understand and see how the gospel transforms this season of life, and uses it for His glory and our good. 

Beginning with God as our Creator in creation, we realise that God's design in motherhood reflects Him. He is the greatest Life Giver. A mother is also meant to model God's love, instruction and discipline for her children. Based on God's good design in Genesis, together, parents are to direct their childen in the Lord and teach them the redemptive story, along with God's character and law. 

But in this world affected by the fall, we may not experience the fullness of His design. The womb may not be able to hold a child. A mother may not always be married. Instead of training and nurture, there may be abuse and hate. Life may not function according to God's design, leading to disappointments, pain and heartbreak. 

Those who are in Christ are redeemed and the Spirit provides what we need to live the resurrected life. Sin remains in our hearts and the world around us, but there is also new life, growth, change and good fruit.

And we do not live as people without a certain hope. We have a hope and look forward to the consummation. We see that our days are refining, pruning, growing and maturing us to be more like Christ. We are preparing for that future weight of glory when Christ comes. 

Motherhood is often a busy season of life and there are real challenges and disappointments. But God is also faithful and true, and the gospel changes the way we live even in this season. 

If you are keen to find out more about Mums Connect and what they do, check out their page here. You can also contact Siew Ting at siewting@gracebaptistchurch.sg.


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