"Press On": Church Camp Theme Song

Our church camp is happening at the end of May 2023 with the camp theme of “Doing Spiritual Good”! To help us reflect deeply on our theme, our worship team has picked “Press On” by songwriters Keith and Kristyn Getty as our camp theme song.

As we hope to do spiritual good to one another as a body of Christ, we may be tempted towards “striving in our own strength”. The lyrics of our camp song remind us of why and how to press on in trusting and following our Lord Jesus.

We encourage all of us to listen to the song in the week! We’ve included the lyrics here, and it can also be found on all major streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube). Looking towards the church camp, we’ll be singing our theme song in the lead up to it and at our times of corporate worship together.

Because songs have a powerful effect in teaching us spiritual truth, let’s take a closer look at its content. How do we press on?

Verse 1 – By gathering – press on with others in Christ’s body – we will not not neglect coming together but seek to build each other up in Christ. Through our songs and the hearing of Scripture we want to be changed by the renewing of our minds until we scatter into the world to serve the Lord.

Verse 2 – By growing – press on in God’s Word and putting love into action. God’s Word grows in us the fruit of obedience and righteousness and godly character. God’s people then become a “shelter” and a sanctuary for those in need through our evangelism, service and public witness through all of life’s circumstances.

Verse 3 - By waiting – press on towards the certain hope of Christ’s return and God’s promises coming true. We press on towards the Lord’s Day which will surely come – we are to be watchful, attentive, faithful and sober-minded as we set our hope on His appearing.

(Verse 1)
Where two or three are gathered
In the name of the Lord
He is here, He is here in our midst
And we will sing together
Be renewed by the Word
When we part, may we go in His peace

Press on all you saints
Press on till the end
Christ with us, ever with us
Until He comes again
Press on all you saints
Run and run to win
Christ with us ever with us
Until He comes again

(Verse 2)
Now let the Word be scattered like the seed on the soil
Day by day
Watch it grow in His care
And may you be a shelter as you reach to the lost
Glad in hope, calm in pain, true in prayer

Press on all you saints
Press on till the end
Christ with us, ever with us
Until He comes again
Press on all you saints
Run and run to win
Christ with us ever with us
Until He comes again

(Verse 3)
And may He find us waiting with our lamps burning still
Keeping watch through the night
Til He comes
For soon it will be morning and the sun will appear
Christ who brought us this far brings us home

Press on all you saints
Press on till the end
Christ with us, ever with us
Until He comes again
Press on all you saints
Run and run to win
Christ with us ever with us
Until He comes again
Oh, until He comes again


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