Preparing for Church Camp

We're days away from our church camp, which begins this Sunday, 28 May. Close to 300 church members will be spending time together at Forest City Golf Hotel in nearby Johor Bahru to learn what it means to do spiritual good to one another.

The theme verse of the camp is taken from Romans 15:14, where Paul writes, "I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another." We hope that through this camp, we will be able to come together to learn and practise doing spiritual good to one another as we broaden and deepen relationships with one another as a church. 

We have spent the month of May preparing for this camp by learning the camp theme song, "Press On". The worship team has shared about their rationale for choosing this song in this blog post. This week, why not spend time learning this song as a family and also mediate on the lyrics in preparation? 

As we pack and get ready for camp, let us also prepare our hearts by keeping the camp in prayer! We encourage all—whether you're going for camp or not—to be praying for this in the following ways: 

  1. Pray for tender hearts to receive God's word and a good time of discussion and learning with one another. 

  2. Pray for God's protection throughout the camp, especially for safe travels and good health during the camp, and smooth camp execution (e.g. logistics, speakers).

  3. Pray for a time of spiritual rest and encouragement too, as we spend time together as a church family. 

Lastly, we'd like to remind all campers to join the camp's WhatsApp channel to receive updated information. Important information such a packing list and the schedule will be shared via this channel. If you're not a part of this channel, please drop us a message at and we will put you in touch with the Church Camp Committee. If you've missed last Sunday's pre-camp briefing or aren't in the WhatsApp group yet, here're the pre-camp briefing slides.

See you at camp! 


Christ Enables Us to Do Spiritual Good


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