Precept Upon Precept

On most Saturdays, a group of ladies gather to study God’s word using the Precept Upon Precept method. Lai Cheng has been attending this study, and she shares more about what they do, and how she has been encouraged by gathering with other women around Scripture.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10, NIV).

Why Precept Upon Precept

Precept Upon Precept (PUP) is a Bible study method developed by Kay Arthur to help one with a deeper study of God’s word by using the inductive Bible study method. This method is a helpful tool in the searching and interpretation of Scriptures, and is an important one to learn. So often, many have quoted Scriptures out of context. I have also witnessed wrong interpretation of Scripture that led good and faithful Christians to make poor decisions, which have sometimes led to serious consequences. Thus, a study like the Precept Bible study equips one to search and rightly interpret Scriptures when in doubt and lets God speak to us through His word.

What it is like

Our Precept class is currently a ladies-only class (though I hope that one day there will be a men’s group) of about 25 ladies of very diverse backgrounds. The love for the Word of God is our common bond. Many have continued with this group for many years and coming together has encouraged each one of us to press on in the faith. This group is also a safe space to share our lives, pray and look out for one another. 

PUP requires the participant to observe the text during the week, come for class discussion on Saturday and then watch a video by Kay Arthur. Currently, we have five moderators assisting with the class discussion for the whole year. We are on a track to prepare for the study of Revelation and have completed the study of Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel and 1 Thessalonians. We just started with 2 Thessalonians and plan to follow with Daniel in May to prepare for the study of Revelation.

How it has been helpful

In the present culture of the pursuit of instant answers, PUP is a deliberate way to help us to be still to seek and know God. The studies of the Old Testament especially has helped me to have a picture of the nature and character of God and a deeper understanding of who He is. One cannot have a real relationship with God with just head knowledge unless one knows Him intimately. 

Scripture also warns us that in the last days there will be many false prophets who will mislead the saints. One particular lesson that stood out for us is the call for the saints to be faithful till the end. It is only through knowing the word that we are able to fear the Lord, be obedient for we are called for the purpose of sanctification (1 Thess 4:7). We look forward for our Lord to commend us for being His faithful servants when we meet Him in glory.

To this end we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, So that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.​​​​ (2 Thess 1:11-12)

Let us  “Begin with the End in Mind” and join a Bible study group if you have not done so.

The ladies will begin a new study in the book of Daniel in May. If you are keen to join them, you may contact Yoke Meng (9730 1670).


Members' Meeting (12 May 2024)


Rebecca’s Internship with Bangkok City Baptist Church