Learn More About Keri Folmar

Keri is a member of the Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai, where her husband, John Folmar is the senior pastor. John is also our speaker at the Missions Conference titled "Church-Centred Missions", on 2 March 2024.

Keri has three adult children and is the author of a number of books, such as The Good Portion: Scripture and the Delighting in the Word Bible study series. 

To help us get to know Keri, we've selected two articles written by her and a podcast that she has spoken on! We hope that you'll read and listen, and see her heart for helping women read and understand God's Word! 

1. Your Bible Is Not a Rulebook or Encyclopedia (Article) 

(Written for The Gospel Coalition, 1 December 2017)

So often we read Scripture like it’s a rulebook or a disjointed encyclopedia of stories, but the Bible is a relational book. It tells us about the God who creates and redeems a people for himself—a people who know him personally. The God of the Bible wants us to know him. He isn’t silent. He has revealed himself. He will speak to us if we will take our Bibles off the shelf and taste and see his goodness. It’s through regularly hearing God speak that we know and enjoy relationship with him.

(Read more)

2. An Open Letter to Women in the Church (Article)

(Written for Crossway, 30 March 2021) 

Sister, don’t try to follow Christ alone. There is no substitute for your commitment and service to your local church. As you love others and are loved by others, your knowledge of Christ’s love will grow. Experiencing life with fellow church members is like looking through a kaleidoscope from different angles, seeing new visions of his marvelous love. Your sight will be blurred if you don’t press into the church.

(Read more)

3. On Delighting in the Doctrine of Scripture (Podcast)

(Episode 4 of Priscilla Talk, 25 November 2022)

God created us to know Him... That's why He gave us His word, so that He will be regularly speaking to us. We go to the Scriptures to know Him. We can know about God through revelation, through creation itself ... but to truly know Him, we have to know Him through His son Jesus Christ. Scripture ... is about Jesus. 

(Listen here

For the men, we hope that you'll encourage the ladies whom you know—your wife, CG mates, sister, mother, friends—to come for this conference. Consider offering some childcare help if you know that they'll need it. Pray also for fruit, that the women of GBC and also from other churches, will be built up and will grow to be better students of God's Word in order to obey Him.

Ladies, join us for the conference on 1 March to learn more about how to read Scripture and to help others do so. Whether you have experience reading the Bible or are keen to learn how to, young or not so young, we encourage women of all ages and backgrounds to consider coming to learn with other women. You can sign up here!


Recap of Members' Meeting (14 Jan 2024)


Gladiolus Place Outreach in 2024