Interview with Gerald

We warmly welcome Gerald Boon, our new Church Administrator, with effect from 1 January 2025. Gerald is new to many of us, and he will also need some time to get to know us. For a start, we interviewed him to help us get to know him, and if you see him around, say hi and introduce yourselves!

1. Hi Gerald! Welcome to GBC. Could you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Gerald Boon, and am a husband to a resilient wife whom I love dearly, and father to two beautiful kids who are in Primary 6 and Secondary 2 respectively this year.

I am a Gen X who loves nostalgia (I miss the 80s and 90s), given a time machine, I would gladly travel back in time.

These days, I treasure any free time that I can spend with my family — having nice prata for breakfast or chilling at home chatting over dinner.

2. What do you do as our Church Administrator?

As the Church Administrator, I will work together with a team to ensure the proper running of the administrational processes of GBC. What we see on Sundays during worship services is a fraction of what happens in the week. Every church gathering is put together by a dedicated team of volunteers, pastoral staff, ministry staff and administration team which i am part of.

3. What led you to this job?

I saw that GBC was searching for an Administrator and, having been involved in Pastoral Ministry since 2007, this role as Administrator is a brand new experience to serve God in a new capacity.

4. How can we be praying for you and your family?

Please pray that I would be able to pick up the role properly so to steward God's resources in GBC appropriately. Please pray that I would be a good testimony for God as I try my best to do this job of Church Administrator. Pray also that I would be able to spend time with my family in the midst of this work transition.


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