Christmas Outreach Brunch 2023

We held a pre-Christmas Brunch on 16 December 2023 for those in the nearby MacPherson neighbourhood. Before this Brunch, members of GBC also visited different blocks to invite the residents to join us. Steven and Krystal, who were involved in these efforts, share their reflections with us here. 


We are thankful for the many who set aside time for block visitation in selected blocks of flats in the Macpherson neighbourhood over two weekends (18-19 and 25-26 November). We had a sweet and blessed time serving the Lord by participating in the block visitation. 

The original plan was to visit the newer blocks at Circuit Road (82A, 82B, 83A & 83B), but the residents did not respond to our invitations as we hoped. With the prompting from the Holy Spirit, we then “cast our net” to the other side, i.e. Pipit Road (Blocks 54, 55 & 56) and Balam Road (Blocks 27, 29, 31 and 33) for the second weekend of visits. Though some of us faced rejection and even the slamming of doors, we were not discouraged but pressed on boldly in the Lord. 

One of our members shared that she was pretty nervous before knocking on the first door. Initially, she did not expect any favourable response, but she was so delighted and encouraged when not one but three families agreed to attend and also gave her their contact numbers. God had shown her that His care never fails. As long as we are willing to avail ourselves, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13). Another two members also echoed that one household showed hospitality by inviting them into their home to chat. Many were also encouraged when conversing with some residents who shared their journeys and struggles. That is what evangelism looks like as we step out in faith, waiting for Gospel opportunities.
Through it all, we can see that God is at work through us and in us. God is good and provided 59 labourers from among our amidst to partner in the gospel in this way as we knocked on doors, "walked the talk" and trusted God for open doors. Our role is to be His mouthpiece when the door opens. The invitation is from God to them to come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe “seeds have been sown”, and our Church’s presence is made known in the MacPherson neighbourhood.

We thank God that a total of 55 residents (43 adults and 12 children) signed up to attend initially. The re-visitation and telephone calls to confirm attendance resulted in an increase in the number to 59. 



Choir members, befrienders and organizers gathered early that Saturday morning. Our goal was to connect, build relationships, and share the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ through Christmas carols and spiritual conversations with the invitees. 

Choir practice, administrative briefings, and prayers took place before the commencement of the event. While we were at it, an elderly lady walked in alone. As we chatted, we learned that a couple of detours accompanied her arrival before she found her way to GBC. Shortly after, another uncle walked in. By then, we had ended the briefing and attended to the two early guests. A few others followed along, one trickling in after another, primarily elderly individuals. Some of us engaged with those who shared their life stories, which was possibly the exciting part, getting to know others.

The alarm in the recent spike in COVID cases has caused people to be more careful. The turnout was smaller than anticipated, yet our befrienders were faithful in reaching out and welcoming the invitees. A total of 11 adults (6 English and 5 Chinese-speaking) and six children turned up for the event. In evangelism, we never quite know what the turnout would be, but we are always ready to be faithful in sharing and reaching out!

It was encouraging that one female befriender was connecting with two teenage girls -- hoping to minister Christ to them and eventually be plugged into the church community. In the other corner, another male befriender reached out faithfully to a fellow older man. One of our lady members fetched a 90-year-old dialect-speaking aunty to Church. They conversed in her dialect to engage with her. Praise God! Two brothers had an opportunity to explain the Gospel to one non-believer who stayed back even after the event had ended. A Bible was presented to him.  

We are reminded of the verse from Matthew 18:12-14: “What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, He rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”

Let us continue pray for those residents who came that they will come to know the saving knowledge of Christ as Lord and Savior as we follow up on them faithfully.


Thanksgiving for Elder Chong Tien


Members' Meeting (14 Jan 2024)