Calling of New Elders

At our recent Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) held on 2 July 2023, our pastors and elders shared some updates pertaining to staffing matters. The English Congregational Leadership intends to seek the affirmation of the Congregation for the following men to be called as Elders: 

  • Beh Soo Hee (as Elder) 

  • Jeremy Lee (as Elder and Pastor) 

At our April Prayer Meeting too, we heard Pastor Mark share about his heart to return to the missions field. Mark and his family, together with the church, are praying for God’s will and guidance in this area. At the same time, we are also looking to call a new Pastor of Family Ministry to work with Mark in the interim, and to potentially take over when he leaves. Jeremy is our potential candidate for this role. 

Jeremy also preached recently on Exodus 20 and Hebrews 2:5-18. He also shares with us his testimony here.

We will also seek to call Beh Soo Hee as an Elder. He has completed his year of rest after serving as an Elder previously, and is open to coming on board as an elder again, Lord willing.

Both these men will have a chance to meet the congregation at Town Hall sessions before the Congregational Meeting to vote on these issues. 

Some key dates: 

  • 20 August: Town Hall with Candidates (11am to 12pm, Room 516 to 519)

  • 3 September: Town Hall with Candidates (11am to 12pm, Room 516 to 519)

  • 10 September: Congregational Meeting (after service) 

A formal notice will follow closer to the meeting. In the meantime, let us continue to keep these matters in prayer. Pray that as a church, we will be able to have wisdom and discern God's will on these issues. Thank God for these men, for their willingness to obey God in this way, and continue to keep them and their families in prayer throughout the process too. 


Knowing God Together


Recap of 3Q23 QCM