Books on the Gospel

We've been working through Galatians in our sermon series, and an important focus of this epistle is the gospel. Paul writes about the importance of the gospel, not from man but revealed by God. It is also necessary to preserve this gospel, and not to take away from or add to it. Changing any part of it makes it no gospel at all. 

Thus, the gospel is central to the Christian's life from start to end. We never outgrow our need for the gospel. Some have described the gospel as easy enough for a child to understand, but deep and profound enough for minds to explore (The Gospel in All its Forms; Are Kids Capable of Understanding the Gospel?). 

Here, we recommend a few books that can help us in our study of the gospel and Scripture. These books are suitable for personal study or can be given to friends and family with questions about the Bible and what Christians believe. 

1. Why Trust the Bible? (Greg Gilbert) 

This book was given out by Pastor Eugene at one of our Saturday services. 


2. Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic? (Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmel) 


 3. The Gospel (Ray Ortlund) 


Drop by our book table to see if these books are available, and pick up a copy for yourself or to give away! 


The descriptions of the books were taken from the respective publishers' websites. 


How Do I Live Out the Gospel?


Reflecting on Truth #38