Books on Parenting

Were you at the "Art of Parenting" EQUIP sessions? Over two Saturday mornings, some of our parents gathered to learn about God's design for parents and families.

They covered God's purpose for parenting as well as the ministry of the family, before considering the importance of family worship and what it looks like. The sessions also considered the heart of our children's behaviour, their obedience and also corrective discipline. The sessions were not just informative, but parents also had a chance to interact with other parents, and ask their questions. 

If you missed it, you can check out the recordings and the booklet on our EQUIP page, here

Books were also given away at the sessions for parents who were keen to find out more. The books are listed below. You may check with our book table to see if they carry these books if you are keen to purchase a copy for yourself or for friends. 


The Pursuit of Significance


Reflecting on Truth #37