Bible Reading Training
We invite all women to join us for this 4-session series to learn to be better readers of God’s word, and to help others do so. We will also seek to understand the Bible’s storyline and how we can trust the Bible.

Mums Connect
This is a group for mums (and grandmums!) to meet to study God's word together, and to encourage one another to persevere in the faith. The ladies are currently reading “Authority” by Jonathan Leeman.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Members’ Meeting
We look forward to hearing ministry updates of how God is working and also how we can participate as members.

Monthly Hymn Fellowship
Let’s come for a fellowship across generations where we will sing hymns together, pray for one another, listen to devotion from God’s word and sharing, and encourage one another on a weekday morning.

Dinner with Gladiolus Place
We hope to build relationships with the girls from Gladiolus Place by providing home-cooked dinners monthly.

Bible Reading Training
We invite all women to join us for this 4-session series to learn to be better readers of God’s word, and to help others do so. We will also seek to understand the Bible’s storyline and how we can trust the Bible.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Older Men Session
This is a monthly gathering for older men to connect with and encourage each other through the word and in prayer. It is currently on Zoom.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This will be a social

Annual General Meeting (Q&A)
This Q&A is for members to ask questions about the upcoming AGM agenda items.

Basic English Class for Migrant Workers
This is our monthly basic English class for migrant workers.

Bible Reading Training
We invite all women to join us for this 4-session series to learn to be better readers of God’s word, and to help others do so. We will also seek to understand the Bible’s storyline and how we can trust the Bible.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Young Adults Big Group
Our Young Adults will be gathering to learn more about Christian Maturity.

EQUIP: Dating and Engagement
What is dating? Does it matter who you date and what you do with your date? Is the Bible silent on this topic?

EQUIP: Theology
Theology is the study of the nature of God. Join us for this series to learn about God's revelation of Himself, His holiness and the sinfulness of man, the person and work of Christ, heaven and the restoration of all things.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

Bible Reading Training
We invite all women to join us for this 4-session series to learn to be better readers of God’s word, and to help others do so. We will also seek to understand the Bible’s storyline and how we can trust the Bible.

Mums Connect
This is a group for mums (and grandmums!) to meet to study God's word together, and to encourage one another to persevere in the faith. The ladies are currently reading “Authority” by Jonathan Leeman.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Worship Ministry Lunch
This is for the worship team to gather at the start of the year.

Newcomers' Welcome Lunch
Newcomers or visitors who would like to get connected are invited to this to hear more about life and membership in GBC, and to fellowship over a meal.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

Church Matters
This is our baptism and membership class. Come and learn more about GBC and what church membership means.

Prayer Meeting
Our next prayer meeting will be on 13 April 2025.
Time: 11.15 am - 12.15 pm
Venue: Level 3 Fellowship Hall
Prayer meeting guide here.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

EQUIP: Theology
Theology is the study of the nature of God. Join us for this series to learn about God's revelation of Himself, His holiness and the sinfulness of man, the person and work of Christ, heaven and the restoration of all things.

EQUIP: Dating and Engagement
What is dating? Does it matter who you date and what you do with your date? Is the Bible silent on this topic?

Prayer Session for Church Plant
Join us as various CGs and members come together to pray for our desire and plans to plant a church.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

EQUIP: Walking with One Another
How do people change? How can I change for the better? How can I help someone else to change?
We all desire some form of change in our lives, come to this EQUIP to learn what the Bible says about real change in a person’s life!

Young Adults Big Group
Our Young Adults will be gathering to learn more about Christian Maturity. This first session will be on “How to be a good friend”.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Mums Connect
This is a group for mums (and grandmums!) to meet to study God's word together, and to encourage one another to persevere in the faith. The ladies are currently reading “Authority” by Jonathan Leeman.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

Basic English Class for Migrant Workers
This is our monthly basic English class for migrant workers.

Meet with Pastoral Candidate
Members, this will be a a chance for you to meet with our pastoral candidate for the role of Church Plant and Missions pastor.

Older Men Session
This is a monthly gathering for older men to connect with and encourage each other through the word and in prayer. It is currently on Zoom.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.

Wednesday Bible Study
We invite any one who is interested to read God’s Word together to join us. This year, we will be reading Romans.

Dinner with Gladiolus Place
We hope to build relationships with the girls from Gladiolus Place by providing home-cooked dinners monthly.

Monthly Hymn Fellowship
Let’s come for a fellowship across generations where we will sing hymns together, pray for one another, listen to devotion from God’s word and sharing, and encourage one another on a weekday morning.

Youth and Parents’ Fellowship
All youth and their parents are invited for this lunch fellowship. Come and get to know other youths and hear about plans for the ministry in 2025.

Meet with Pastoral Candidate
Members, this will be a a chance for you to meet with our pastoral candidate for the role of Church Plant and Missions pastor.

Prayer Meeting
Our next prayer meeting will be on 9 February 2025.
Time: 11.15 am - 12.15 pm
Venue: Level 3 Fellowship Hall
Prayer meeting guide here.

Friday Bible Study
This is a ladies’ Bible study and they are currently studying the book of Galatians together.