Sermons (By Series)
The LORD is Our Salvation (Exodus 13:17– 15:21)
We worship the LORD who leads His people, fights for His people, and who is praised by His people.
Remember Redemption (Exodus 12:33– 13:16)
God redeems His people, who are to remember their redemption.
10 Minutes till Midnight (Exodus 12:1-32)
The blood of the lamb averts judgement, thus showing God’s mercy in judgement. We worship and trust the Lamb who was slain for us.
None Like the LORD (Exodus 7:8-10:29)
The plagues reveal the glory of the sovereign LORD and the stubbornness of our sin.
The Called and the Qualified (Exodus 6:10-7:7)
A good and gracious God uses an unqualified servant to fulfill an unflinching promise.
Waiting to Know the LORD (Exodus 5:1– 6:9)
The Lord calls us to wait for His salvation, that we might know Him more.
When We Don’t Want to Serve God (Exodus 3:15-4:31)
God sanctifies His insufficient servant, whom He sends.
“I AM” With You (Exodus 3:1-14)
The God who sees, hears and knows us acts for our good. The God who is the great “I AM” is with us.
God’s Plan, God’s Way (Exodus 2:11–25)
God is faithful to His covenant and sees, hears, and knows His people. He will raise up a Redeemer for His people in His time.
God Saves in Surprising Ways (Exodus 1:1– 2:10)
In faithfulness to His covenant promises, God sovereignly redeems His people from affliction through surprising means.
One Truth (1 Corinthians 14:1–25)
Love should compel us to use our gifts to help others know God better.
One Love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
God first loved us in Christ, therefore we love the body. Without love, we cannot build together.
One Body (1 Corinthians 12:12–27)
In God's wisdom, He has joined us as one body that we might love and serve one another as fellow members of the body.